Our Values


Our Mission

To be the preferred seafood provider in Singapore and across the region.



Our Vision

Peace of Mind

With every shipment thoroughly inspected before acceptance and timely deliveries, we assure you of the highest standard in product quality and minimal disruptions to your Business.

Forefront of Innovation

With insights and a keen eye on up-and-coming food trends, we innovate solutions to help you make a difference in an ever-changing industry.

Strong Global Network

Sourcing the world for you, tap on our vast network to access new products at bulk rates.

Championing the Sea

We secure certifications from the highest authorities and pride ourselves in responsible and sustainable fishing practices. This way, we can work with you to do our part for our planet and future generations.



Our Seaco Values

Swim in the Same School

We work and think like one as one.

Every Fish Matters

We share the goodness of TheSeafoodCompany with every customer and every team member.

Always Catching New Waves

We think giant, and we see far. We are ever-ready to ride on opportunities.

CUSTOMER as our compass

We take pride in service excellence and always go the extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

The World is Our Oyster

We hold an unwavering optimism that more extraordinary things can always be achieved.